Tuesday, February 14, 2012

on the way back.

The other night a new TV show started: ALCATRAZ. I was a bit excited as we had just been there. Then I remembered that I haven't blogged since landing back in Australia, so there might be many blog posts in a row.
When we left Utah we were sad but also excited as we knew that we were going to hang out with the Lloyd Family who had recently moved from Provo and now live in Livermore, CA.
Livermore is about 1hr away from San Francisco; we knew that we had to make a trip to see this famous tourist destination. We were warned to book in advance so we decided to go on the 1:45 tour and come back on the last ferry. It was a nice day and each ferry ride was packed so we were glad that we booked..Great views of the Bay area.

Eden loved hanging out with the Lloyd's children as she missed them when they moved.
We all missed Anna as every Sunday night she would bring brownies or cookies that she would bake.

And of course I love hanging out with Susan, one of the best things about Provo was the life long friends we met along the way.Susan invited the SOUTH family for dinner. Andrew studied at BYU last year as well and now studies at Standford.

Livermore was a great place to stop and have a mini break before we hopped on the 16 hr flight to Tasmania.

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