Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fall Break..

Last week the girls only had a 3 day school week.. They had Thursday and Friday off which was called "fall break". Some leader's from church arranged for the 12- 17 year old girls to go camping for 3 days.. Thursday morning at 6:30am we (well gaz did) dropped the girls off, as they were camping at Zion's National Park which is about a 4 hr drive away..
Down southern Utah it is always a bit hotter than Provo..

On camp he girls went swimming and went on some big hikes..

They also had a great time making new friends as we haven't been in our new ward for long.

The leaders enjoyed having the girls so much that they want us to fly back so the girls can go next year....They had a great time and fell into their beds Saturday night and went straight to sleep

1 comment:

  1. It looks breathtaking. Also much better than our school camp trips to Camp Clayton. ;)



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