Friday, June 19, 2009

What's in the bin?

We thought we were doing a great job as parents. We have started to teach Eden some things to do around the house.. She is very good at getting ready for the bath and putting things in the sink.(even if they are clean)
But her favourite thing to do is putting her dirty nappy in the bin. She loves doing this. But sometimes she thinks that other things should belong in there as well..........

I mean I think that she thinks that I need some new shoes...... I can live with that.......

Phebe say's " Where's my DS" ? In the bin with the battery charger... Where else would it be?

And finally just the mug! It needed washing anyway... Do we need to buy a new bin, or will we just keep an eye on it!!!! Any help with the house work is good. And with any luck she might throw Gary in


  1. Natalie here- love you blog!!! Eden is awesome!! as usual....
    -Natalie Lloyd



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