Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day..

This I didn't get any homemade cards or breakfast in bed......
But I did get.... A framed quote from ELIZA.... a very nice "homemade" purse from GAZ and EDEN and a cute little ring from PHEBE.......
I had a lovely day, well it's still 4;38pm so it's almost over..
But Gaz has fallen alseep and so I guess it's already over.....

After many attempts MY MOTHER deciced to pick up her phone......
Next year I will have to do someting special with her.......


  1. LOVE the new blog look!!! LOVE the header and LOVE the pressies for Mother's Day. Sounds like a lovely day.

  2. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! I just love that picture of you with your girls!! Hope your day was wonderful!

  3. You are lookin might fine Miss Woodward!!! Lovin the photos without any what do yo call that white stuff, oh yeah SNOW!!!!



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